Monday, July 14, 2008

I'm ALIVE...

I was away at camp for 8 days, I am alive and planning some posts. Maybe tonight.

Some fun stuff, Former Members of Alfonsin, Dirty Dirt & the Dirts, & some more.

Also, a change of pace i'm going to put up some video game emulators in bundles (NES, SNES, Coleco, Sega to name a few- not all at once). I love these things and a savy person with minimal ability can track em down usually, but it can be a pain some times due to lots of ROM sites being full of ads and bugs.

and, as some or all of you may know, I am part of a Booking Group SOS Booking here in So. Calif. Nate (Xibalba) & Andy (Time For Change/Glory Kid Records) do most all of the booking and I really just lag on checking emails (a million apologies), look pissed off, protect walls, lift shit/clean up. But, I mocked up a flyer for an upcoming show:

(click to see full flyer)

MUSIC (and more) SOON!!!