Some time in the mid to late 90's ish time when tape trading was still a viable entity; i tape traded with someone who sent me a tape with the Time Flies, Bladecrasher, In My Eyes, Reinforce, Atari, Impact (pre-UxT; not the christian or OC sXe band) & Until X Today demos on it. I don't remember what I sent to them, but it was someone id connected with through the old Rev Board. I did a lot of tape trading that summer, but this was by far the most fun (at that time) tape I got that summer other than maybe Sham 69's Hersham Boys.
Besides being packed full with some fun (albiet mostly generic) revival bands, the person had been nice enough to photo copy most of the demo tape covers for me. That Bladecrasher demo has become a personal fave, the Reinforce records still get some love (haters be damned) and In My Eyes went on to release the defining lp's of that time and style of revival HC; but Until X Today's demo has always stood out the most to me.
I had no clue what to expect when I heard that demo; but what i got was a weird and fun take on what most people call "youth crew revival." The music had a hook to it, a catchy-ness i more associate to punk, with some simple but at that time unexpected switches in the music's pace. The lyrics always hit at me too. Not too deep, but enough so that it resonated with that young 20-something me.
I won't drag on with the fond memories, let's get this blog back in action already- I will however add a parting shot:
When Nate and I had gotten the original (YMCA) SOS Project up and running, The First Step came through. I had been taking my records back and forth to play them in the lobby where a bunch of us hung out. Not even thinking about it, I'd played some Until Today after the show to which the guitarist of the First Step called their singer over to hear. Neither of them could believe it. Being the dork I was, I'd completely forgotten that the singer of the First Step was the singer of Until Today. Im sure it had to have been weird for him to be in Riverside, California and some dude from the venue was blasting his old (and smaller) band. heh.
Until Today - A Brand New Start (demo) 7inch [DOWNLOAD]
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