Tuesday, April 29, 2008
I use a program called WinAce to encode my uploads. If you can't properly unload/unpack the downloads once they're on your computer, go HERE or HERE and download the program. It's small and it's free. It'll let you unzip the files.
Area 51 - Discography 12inch

Before the Murder City Devils & Pretty Girls Make Graves there was Death Wish Kids and before Death Wish Kids there was Area 51. Hardcore punk with tons of attitude and feedback to spare. Fronted by Murder City Devils singer Spencer Moody & DWK/PGMG vocalist Andrea Zollo, the dueling vocals were fueled by pure screaming rage and backed by the hardcore punk attack of fellow murder city members Dan Galluci & Derek Fudesco and rounded out with Sterling Callier & Andy Sells.
This sounds nothing like the later bands they became better known for, but it does sound like completely pissed off, rip your head off hardcore punk. There is an obsession with the movie "Over The Edge" as well.
When Spencer Moody decided to leave the band they turned into the Death Wish Kids.
Area 51 on myspace
Download Link
Download Link
Download Link

Dead Ones - Busted Heads EP

The Dead Ones were from Sweden (or somewhere in the general region/area). I came across this EP at the local legend Dr. Strange Records a few years ago at the suggestion of a friend. After doing some research before posting this, the label that released it (and some other good stuff), Busted Head Records is defunct and the records aren't being repressed.
So, for your listening pleasure is this little 7inch of fast, pissed hardcore. Think late 90's/early 00's revival of the thrash/hc sound. Personally, the vocals; which are a little higher than i expected (but very good); help set this record apart. If you're looking for D.S.-13 or any of the similar bands (tear it up, cut the shit, code 13) then you can't go wrong here.
*It's one download (uploaded to different services)*
Download Link 1
Download Link 1
Download Link 1
Download Link 2
Download Link 2
the download includes front and back scans, enjoy (it came with no lyrics).
Friday, April 25, 2008
So, the weekend is upon us & I still don't have internet up at the apartment. Hopefully by next Saturday that will be all taken care of. In the mean time, here's what you can look for through next week.
for sure.
- Parades End : 7inch & their side of a split 7inch
- Dirty Dirty and the Dirts: 7inch & 3 comp songs
- the Dead Ones : Busted Heads 7inch ep (real good sweedish thrashy hardcore band)
Those are just for sure, look for more music, more pictures, and yes- sadly more words.
for sure.
- Parades End : 7inch & their side of a split 7inch
- Dirty Dirty and the Dirts: 7inch & 3 comp songs
- the Dead Ones : Busted Heads 7inch ep (real good sweedish thrashy hardcore band)
Those are just for sure, look for more music, more pictures, and yes- sadly more words.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Time For Change - "New Song" video from Showcase 4/20/08
I realize that the sound is pretty whatever, but i did shoot it on my digital camera. It's something i've taken to lately because I now have a 1 gig flash drive for my camera and even with taking photos on the largest setting and snapping off 150-200 shots per show, i can still get about 30 mins. of video on the card as well. I just film one song of bands though, because I know its not amazing quality.
Here it is for the sake of seeing it, I believe the set list said this was "New Intro". If you turn the volume down on it some (maybe 3/4 - 1/2) its tolerable and at the end you can heard the fucking up of the beginning of "Time For Change". I stopped then. A guy's gotta sing along, right?
PS- Andy (singer) isn't thanking god, he was saying something that I didn't catch the beginning of on video. The very short, simple of it is- realize there's more out there than whatever you're placing your whole belief and faith in and truthfully, in this world, the one manifest power in our life to thank is ourselves. Snapcase said it "your hero is yourself".
Thinking about showcase the last few days made me think about other things,like the last Feeding Frenzy show a few months back. It's never easy saying goodbye, no matter how many times you've done it or how much it might seem like its time to let go and move on.
Here's to good times and better memories.

Here's to good times and better memories.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
"It took me too long to say such a short goodbye..."
Saying Goodbye to a Very Old Friend...
So, it took some time, but I think I have finally been able to process and accept the passing on of a very large part of my youth and young adulthood, the Showcase Theater in Corona. It's not going to be gone forever, it's moving to a new location, but the location it has been at was quite like a home away from home for me.
I saw a ridiculous amount of great bands for which I still feel very privileged to have seen, I met many an incredible person in those cramped, sweaty spaces for which I feel unbelievably lucky to have met, and I had quite literally some of the best times of my life there, and many other great times were had directly because of the people I met and good times I had there.
Without waxing poetic for too long, Sunday April 20th 2008 was the end of the end. That building that holds so much for me and has been witness to so much more for me is going to come down to rubble, be leveled, cleaned up and have something else put there. To be completely honest about it, that makes me sad beyond words. The staff and the ideas will be relocated to a new area and that is a small consolation, but it really feels like a childhood home is being torn down. Luckily I was fortunate enough to return there last sunday and see some really good friends; on and off the stage. I won't try to name them all for fear of forgetting or leaving someone off, but here's a few pictures of the night.
Life Tyrant

So, it took some time, but I think I have finally been able to process and accept the passing on of a very large part of my youth and young adulthood, the Showcase Theater in Corona. It's not going to be gone forever, it's moving to a new location, but the location it has been at was quite like a home away from home for me.
I saw a ridiculous amount of great bands for which I still feel very privileged to have seen, I met many an incredible person in those cramped, sweaty spaces for which I feel unbelievably lucky to have met, and I had quite literally some of the best times of my life there, and many other great times were had directly because of the people I met and good times I had there.
Without waxing poetic for too long, Sunday April 20th 2008 was the end of the end. That building that holds so much for me and has been witness to so much more for me is going to come down to rubble, be leveled, cleaned up and have something else put there. To be completely honest about it, that makes me sad beyond words. The staff and the ideas will be relocated to a new area and that is a small consolation, but it really feels like a childhood home is being torn down. Luckily I was fortunate enough to return there last sunday and see some really good friends; on and off the stage. I won't try to name them all for fear of forgetting or leaving someone off, but here's a few pictures of the night.
Life Tyrant

After the show I was helping Andy and Krystle take the Time For Change/Glory Kid stuff out to the truck and Joe (longtime showcase booker/showcase super employee) said "Huskey, thanks for 15 years of loyalty". All I could do was set the things down and shake his hand and thank him for 15 years of a place to go and a "childhood well raised", because- as much as i love my mother/family, Showcase was a stomping ground and where I grew up more than any where else... my true classroom.
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