Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"It took me too long to say such a short goodbye..."

Saying Goodbye to a Very Old Friend...

So, it took some time, but I think I have finally been able to process and accept the passing on of a very large part of my youth and young adulthood, the Showcase Theater in Corona. It's not going to be gone forever, it's moving to a new location, but the location it has been at was quite like a home away from home for me.

I saw a ridiculous amount of great bands for which I still feel very privileged to have seen, I met many an incredible person in those cramped, sweaty spaces for which I feel unbelievably lucky to have met, and I had quite literally some of the best times of my life there, and many other great times were had directly because of the people I met and good times I had there.

Without waxing poetic for too long, Sunday April 20th 2008 was the end of the end. That building that holds so much for me and has been witness to so much more for me is going to come down to rubble, be leveled, cleaned up and have something else put there. To be completely honest about it, that makes me sad beyond words. The staff and the ideas will be relocated to a new area and that is a small consolation, but it really feels like a childhood home is being torn down. Luckily I was fortunate enough to return there last sunday and see some really good friends; on and off the stage. I won't try to name them all for fear of forgetting or leaving someone off, but here's a few pictures of the night.

Life Tyrant

Romeo Life Tyrant - Alex


Restrained - KevanRestrained - Romeo

Young Favorites

Young Favorites - Stephen

Time For Change

Time For Change - Andy & Fick
Time For Change - Matt
Time For Change - Nate

After the show I was helping Andy and Krystle take the Time For Change/Glory Kid stuff out to the truck and Joe (longtime showcase booker/showcase super employee) said "Huskey, thanks for 15 years of loyalty". All I could do was set the things down and shake his hand and thank him for 15 years of a place to go and a "childhood well raised", because- as much as i love my mother/family, Showcase was a stomping ground and where I grew up more than any where else... my true classroom.

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