At the request and assistance of the ever awesome Andy Kid (thanks for loaning me the record) this 7inch is coming to you. Heavy, Angry, and so very 90's. Strain is all things a band from their time ('92-'97) should have been. Hailing from the great white north of Canada and releasing much of their stuff on a German label has helped keep this band some what of a semi-forgotten treasure. And so, its a true pleasure to offer up this little 2-song gem. It was their third 7inch and in my opinion finds them first really coming into their own. Heavy hardcore (predating metalcore) with (no pun intended) strained vocals soaked through in anger. Members went on to bands such as By A Thread & member Eric has had a long running radio show up north called Flex Your Head.
Enjoy (scans of front, back, and insert included in download).
Strain - Cataract / Turn the Tide 7inch (download)
Now playing: The Spectacle - Angel's Choir's+choir
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